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Loannina Red Light District
Loannina, a city in northwestern Greece, does not have a well-defined red-light district, but prostitution is known to take place in certain areas.
Street-based prostitution
The majority of prostitution activities are street-based, with sex workers soliciting clients in certain public areas such as parks, parking lots, and underpasses. However, there are also reports of brothels operating discreetly in residential areas of the city.
The authorities in Ioannina have made some efforts to tackle prostitution by implementing stricter law enforcement and collaborating with NGOs to provide support and protection for sex workers. However, prostitution is still a significant issue in the city, and the lack of a designated red-light district makes it challenging to regulate and control.
Important information
It is important to note that prostitution is illegal in Greece, but the country has a relatively liberal stance towards sex work. The law criminalizes pimping, but it does not penalize individuals who engage in prostitution. Nevertheless, sex workers are often subjected to social stigma, discrimination, and violence, which highlights the need for better protection and support services.
Do you want information about other red light district is Greece? Click here.