Does Xiamen have a Red Light District? provides honest and independent information about the red light district in Xiamen in this article. Read the article carefully and be aware of the risks that red light districts can entail.
Red Light District Xiamen
Xiamen, a coastal city in southeastern China, has a red light district located in the downtown area. The district is commonly known as the “Red House” and has a history of over 100 years. So, does Xiamen have a red light district? Sure!
The Red House is a three-story building with a bright red façade that is easily recognizable. The first floor of the building houses shops, restaurants, and a karaoke bar. The second and third floors are where the sex workers are located. The sex workers in Xiamen are predominantly from mainland China, but there are also women from other parts of Southeast Asia.
Prostitution is illegal in China, and the police regularly conduct raids on the Red House and other areas where prostitution is known to occur. However, despite the illegality of prostitution, the sex trade in Xiamen continues to thrive. This is largely due to the high demand for sex services from both locals and tourists.
Sex work is a controversial issue in China
Sex work is a controversial issue in China, and opinions on the topic are divided. While some people argue that prostitution should be legalized and regulated, others believe that it should be eradicated altogether. Currently, the Chinese government takes a strong stance against prostitution and punishes both sex workers and their clients.
In recent years, the Chinese government has taken steps to crack down on the sex trade in Xiamen and other cities across the country. These efforts have included increasing the penalties for engaging in prostitution, shutting down illegal massage parlors and brothels, and providing support to women who wish to leave the sex industry.
Despite these efforts, the Red House and other red light districts in China continue to operate, and the demand for sex services remains high.
Do you want information about other red light districts in China? Click here. E-book
A Red Light District can be a dangerous location if you don’t know how to behave in it. has created an E-book with tips on visiting a Red Light District. This increases your safety and prevents trouble. We also provide answers to frequently asked questions. Absolute must to read.