Does Perth have a Red Light District? provides honest and independent information about the red light district in Perth in this article. Read the article carefully and be aware of the risks that red light districts can entail.
Red Light District Perth
Prostitution is illegal in Western Australia, including in the city of Perth. However, there are still sex workers operating in the city, particularly in areas known as unofficial red-light districts. These areas are typically located in industrial areas or near highways, often with brothels or massage parlours that offer sexual services.
One of the most well-known red-light districts in Perth is in the suburb of Belmont, where there are several brothels operating. Another area known for prostitution in Perth is East Perth, particularly along Adelaide Terrace and Wellington Street, where there are a number of massage parlours that have been known to offer sexual services.
Prostitution Control Act 2000
Despite the illegality of prostitution, the industry in Perth has persisted, and the Western Australian government has implemented various laws and regulations to try and control it. These include the Prostitution Control Act 2000, which aims to regulate the industry and ensure the safety and health of sex workers, as well as laws that criminalize activities such as street prostitution and soliciting.
Despite the efforts to control the industry, prostitution remains a contentious issue in Perth and Western Australia, with debates around the effectiveness of the current laws and whether or not they should be changed.
Do you want information about other red light districts in Australia? Click here. E-book
A Red Light District can be a dangerous location if you don’t know how to behave in it. has created an E-book with tips on visiting a Red Light District. This increases your safety and prevents trouble. We also provide answers to frequently asked questions. Absolute must to read.