In Greece, prostitution is legal when it takes place in brothels that have the proper permits. Prostitution is therefore also legal in Athens, so this means Athens has a red-light district. In this article, you can read what you should take into account when dealing with prostitution in Greece.
Laws & Regulations
There are multiple laws and regulations when it comes to the red-light district in Athens. Prostitution is legal when the following conditions are met. The prostitute must be at least 18 years old. She must not have sexually transmitted diseases or mental disorders. The prostitute must also undergo regular medical check-ups by a doctor. Furthermore, the prostitute may not be married.
Approaching customers on the street is also not allowed. The profession may only be performed in a brothel with the appropriate permits. Customers should go in there and not be lured in. Working for a pimp is not allowed.
Current situation
It is difficult to meet all the above requirements. In addition, the Greek government very rarely grants the necessary permits. This makes illegal prostitution a major problem in Greece, and certainly also in Athens. Many prostitutes provide their services on the street or in their own homes. When they see the solicitation, they are authorized to intervene. But in some neighborhoods, the government has a policy of tolerance.
Economic crises
Greece has experienced financial instability for more than a decade. Many residents of Athens have suffered a severe financial decline in the last 10 years. Some women are forced to work in prostitution. This provides harrowing options in which women sell their bodies for something to eat. Prices for sex work were around €90 for half an hour. In Athens, these prices are much lower. Oral gratification only costs €20 for half an hour here. Please note that these prices are offered by vulnerable people. STDs cannot be ruled out either, so use contraceptives.
Migrants and refugees
Greece has been struggling for years with a stream of refugees from North Africa and the Middle East. These people often move to the capital in search of a better life. Because they do not get papers in Greece and therefore cannot open a bank account, they are financially vulnerable. In order to still have an income, these people also end up in prostitution. Here, it also applies that they are vulnerable people and that STDs cannot be ruled out.
Authorized brothels Athens
Nowadays, in Athens, brothels are located south of Omonia Square within two sizeable rectangular areas. More specifically, the first and largest rectangle is circumscribed by Tritis