Does Ahmedabad have a Red Light District? provides honest and independent information about the red light district in Ahmedabad in this article. Read the article carefully and be aware of the risks that red light districts can entail.
Red Light District Ahmedabad
Ahmedabad is the largest city in the Indian state of Gujarat and is known for its rich cultural heritage, beautiful architecture, and vibrant street life. However, it is also home to a red light district, which is located in the Manek Chowk area. So, does Ahmedabad have a red light district? Yes.
The red light district of Ahmedabad is known as “Khanpur” and is situated near the railway station. It is a hub of commercial sex work and has been in existence for many years. The area is home to a large number of brothels and massage parlors, where women from various parts of the country are forced to work under inhumane conditions.
Things to keep in mind about the red light district
The women who work in the red light district of Ahmedabad come from poor backgrounds and are often lured into the sex trade with false promises of good jobs or marriage. They are then forced to work long hours and are subjected to physical and emotional abuse. Most of these women are also denied proper healthcare and are at high risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections.
Despite the efforts of various NGOs and government organizations to curb the sex trade in Ahmedabad, the red light district continues to thrive. Many of the brothels operate openly and have the support of corrupt officials and police officers.
Visitors to Ahmedabad are advised to exercise caution when visiting the Manek Chowk area and to avoid engaging with sex workers. It is important to remember that prostitution is illegal in India, and those involved in the sex trade are victims of exploitation and abuse.
Do you want information about other red light districts in India? Click here. E-book
A Red Light District can be a dangerous location if you don’t know how to behave in it. has created an E-book with tips on visiting a Red Light District. This increases your safety and prevents trouble. We also provide answers to frequently asked questions. Absolute must to read.